Oct 23, 2010

Going home

You can always go back but you can never go home again. We all know the saying. On one hand it's true, I'm walking testimony to it. But you can go home again... if only for a visit. I wish I had olfactory software,the scents of Autumn hit well... home.
Summer's done

Rain collecting
Garden things to be put away for winter

Fall scents.. breath deep
Vibrant colours soon to fade
Follow the fence

Playtime on a sunny Autumn day

What's tilting, me or the woods?

Leaves rustling with every step

Peek-a-boo sun



 Got a light? 

Does anyone hear it when it falls?

Why hello maples
Mellow yellows

Come...sit a spell


  1. I love the colors of autumn!

  2. Absolutely beautiful photos! Thanks so much for stopping by...I really appreciate it.

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Wow Jamie, what a beautiful place through the eye of your lens! Autumn is my absolute favourite season.

  4. Love these pictures...and now am sad because honey, you're coming home to the white stuff :-(

  5. I can't go back to MY home, but with pics like this, I'd be happy to crash at yours.

  6. Cassandra,
    Fall is my favorite time but it also seems to be the shortest season. Boo.

    Gypsy Heart,
    Thanks. Am looking forward to using your meme in the near future.

    Glad you enjoyed the pictures, I enjoyed taking them.

    Don't be sad, I'm sure snow won't put a damper on our adventures to come. :-)

    Open door at my house ANY time,Sugar. Dawn tells me you are currently embroiled in another situation? Can't WAIT to hear about all about it. Coffee?

  7. Jamie, Once again you have posted such gorgeous photos. I love your skill, eye, and talent! I selected your post as one of the most inspirational that was shared on my Friday/Saturday link-up over on La Bella Vita. I hope that you choose to share more beauty in your life with us again! Roz


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.