Nov 29, 2010

If ya can't beat 'em..

                        Sigh.. It's going to be a long one. Just as well to try to find the pretties of the season.

Quite the ballet move.. for a tree

Only the hardy and brave bundled.

Love pristine untouched snow
A punch of reds to pretty it up

Hope (and proof)  the great winter melt will happen again. 


  1. These pictures almost make winter bearable.
    ALMOST. xo

  2. the winter drags on you will need to keep posting those pictures to remind us that all is not doom and gloom :-)

  3. Very pretty snow pictures. So very GLAD, we don't have scenery like that yet here in MA!!! :O)


  4. You know, it's interesting because I have never enjoyed the snow until this year. I’m not sure why, but I think it has to do with feeling like life had taken on a routine and I was bored. When our first snow storm hit I happened to be driving. Quarter size snowflakes where going nuts outside my window and I loved it. A sense of adrenaline kicked in and I could have stopped my car and ran outside screaming. I am loving the winter. We just had another storm yesterday that went into the night and it left a good foot of snow by our home. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait for more. I suppose when you live in a place with winter you’ve got to find enjoyment in it somehow. Your pictures are wonderful, and I love the little berries.

  5. I wouldn't mind A LITTLE of that every year. It really is beautiful!

  6. Dawn, almost. Not quite. Betcha I know what would make it more bearable. South. Far South. Or West. Far West. :-)

    Jeff, I live in Canada's most norther capital city. I can drive to Alaska in a short amount of time. Winter for us is 5 or 6 months, give or take. UGH

    Mary, you jinxed it my friend. Muahahaha

    Tay, I love BIG FAT snowflakes too and those red berries really add happy to snow I think.

    Rocky, that's the problem here. I'd be happy with just a LITTLE too. But nooo we have to get buried. every. year. And the kind of cold that makes your nose freeze and fall off. yuck lol

  7. Stunning pics! You make me long for such a winter! We don't get snow here!

  8. I love snow. But I have to admit, I only like it from afar! I love living in warm weather and just looking at freshly fallen show in beautiful images like yours!

  9. We are sleeping with our pajamas inside out. It is supposed to bring snow! LOL
    LOVE the ice photo!

  10. You take such wonderful photos! I'm very happy that I found your blog! Hope you'll come visit and can't wait to see what you'll have up next!


  11. What a beautiful and refreshing glance at winter.

  12. Empty Nester- Thank you :-)

    MomAgain@40- I'll gladly give you my winters lol

    Iva- You are welcome to come back and enjoy my winter from afar any time.

    Missy- I've heard of that before. Hope it worked?

    MIchie- It had been a while since I had picked up my camera. And it was a pretty day.

    Kate- Thank you , I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    Melynda- I've five more months of winter where I am. I'm hoping for more pretty days.

  13. Beautiful pictures. I'm not ready for any of that white stuff. It's pretty, but a mess to drive in. We had a rough winter last year, we got hit with 3 feet twice.

    Found your blog while blog hopping. Hope you can stop by Mother 2 Mother.


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