Nov 12, 2010

Musings of This, That and Other Things.

I know my 5'2 point five" ( yeah, I'm hanging on to the point 5) stature marks me as short but what part of me didn't you see standing there? I was next in queue when you waltzed right up in your filthy windbreaker, 80's style up under your boobs jeans and that lovely mullet. Even when I said something and you shrugged your shoulders.\ I should of dropped kicked you right then and there but I would of joined the 'People Of Walmart' ranks you obviously were trying out for. I might be short, sister, but do that again and you'll find out how mean I can be. 

Is it just me, my bloggy friends, that has a reoccurring dream? I'm talking for years now. Different people, same two events. I dream I'm back in my little house I used to live in. I really need to use the loo but I can't, it overflows every time. And bugs, lots of different creepy crawlies everywhere. The feel of bugs on me wakes me up, takes me several seconds to realize my skin's not crawling with them. Ugh. Why? Why do I keep having the same stupid dream?

Speaking of, I've a fear of overflowing toilets. Based on, you guessed it, another reoccurring dream I always had as a youngster. I'm in a bathroom with black and white checkered floors and walls, there's furniture stacked on top of each other. A table, a chair, a lamp.. you get the picture. The toilet overflows and starts filling up the bathroom only I can't get out, I'm locked it. The water starts swirling and creates an eddy trying to suck me in. I've got a death grip on the door handle but I'm losing traction... and there I go, caught in the eddy, unable to come out of it, slowly drowning.
Yeah, I'm afraid of overflowing toilets. 

Osgood Schlatters Disease. Pseudocholinesterase Disease. Paraphenylamine Diamine allergies, bordering hospitalization. Yup.. just a few of the weirdness that is my family. We're special, doncha know. :-)

Hubby and I decided to buy a village scene for under the tree this year. Complete with accents like trees, people, roads and the likes. Our claim to fame: the first building purchased was a red barn and an outhouse. Come on.. ya know you're thinking it... 
'Ya know you're a red neck when.." Love. It. muahahaha

As I sit here smelling the bacon I'm cooking for breakfast, I'm drawn back in memory to my dad's kitchen. He's making a grilled cheese for us. Not your ordinary run of the mill grilled cheese though. He takes english muffins, halves them and layers on the cheese slices. Taking it up a notch, he adorns all that lovely cheese with cooked bacon slices. Sliding those beauties in the oven he cooks all that goodness till the cheese is gooey and golden. Yup, that there fixes all the wrongs of day.

My first born 'baby' is turning 23. When the f*#k did that happen?? I gave that child life and this is how she repays me. Growing up faster than I'm ready for.  Sigh.  I love my adult children but at times I sorely miss my babies. 

What are your musings today?


  1. I begged our girls not to get all grown up but to stay little and be here always. Didn't happen. Although, as the youngest and shortest of the 4 likes to say, "I stayed little mom!" She's 5'5"! My BFF is only 5'2" (no point five there) and I am 5'10"...we are a sight when we go to lunch! LOL

  2. I used to have two recurring dreams - one as a child and one as a teenager, but I haven't had any now for years and years. My eldest is 22 and I can't believe how the time has flown.

  3. I love this blog...rather reminds me of the one I posted yesterday....thanks for making me is a rare thing right now

  4. Yeah, time does fly, doesn't it? My goddaughter turns 31 on Friday. And, I have a fear of overflowing toilets, too ... I'm the one who has to clean it up. :-)

  5. Empty Nest, both my girls are taller than me. Wait, ALL my friends are taller than me. ;-)

    Cassandra, I know, right? Don't blink cause 5 years just flew by.

    Ruby, thank you. I am very happy you enjoyed it.

    Rocky, LMAO@ you cleaning. Yeah, I get that. It's me that's always cleaned up.


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