Nov 14, 2010

November's 'I Believe'

...I'm using spell check more and more as I age. This fact sucks.

...Paperwork is an aggravating waste of my quiet time. town needs a kicked up bookstore cafe. I need to win the lotto. dental hygienist is going to start hunting me down soon, can't seem to find the time to get there. Ugh typing that out makes me want to go brush my teeth I just brushed.

...I'm going to go for an iPhone 4 over a Blackberry Torch. GULP. I'm used to my crackberry.

...if I don't get rid of this cold soon, I'm going to hack up one of my lungs. On the bright side, excellent ab workout!

...I have to start wracking my brain to think of a kickass Xmas prezzy for my hubby. Hardest person to buy for. EVER. GULP.

...I would like to win the lotto. Did I mention that already? ;-)

...I'm getting withdrawals from my camera.Bad. :-(

...the Micky D's McRib commercials are gross.

What do you believe?


  1. I LOVE that you're coming over to the iPhone dark side. Now, when we chat, you'll be able to see me pulling my hair out instead of just listening to me describing it. I know, takes some of the fun out of it...

    Get back to your camera, babe. I know how soothing it is for you.
    Loves ya big much.

  2. My other half and I have an agreement - complete tool buying moratorium from August til after Xmas each year. In 23 years there hasn't been a year go by that there isn't a tool or two that he wants, and he's always considerate about including choices with a wide price margin so the kids can buy too.

  3. I lasted Three Days with the IPhone! I am a Blackberry Whore!
    I have to Rebrush my teeth! Thanks!

  4. I'm addicted to my iphone and my husband gave up his crackberry for one too! I want to win the lottery too (if it's big enough I'd be willing to split the pot!) and the McRib is DISGUSTING! Great post!

  5. I never thought I would fall in with the I-Phone, but I'm due for my first upgrade in a month. I-Phone 4! Yay! Too, thanks for letting me know about facetime!


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