Nov 4, 2010

November's 'It's Okay'

It's Okay wish some days away. No, I won't/don't treat every day with open arms and kumbaya cause, honey, some days are just shit. do a happy dance. Out in public. In front of witnesses.I'll never see them again. be told to 'embrace' my age, it's another thing to give it a big ol' hug and be happy about it. have both sexes on the Biggest Loser but typically the men on that show are heavier, ergo they lose more than their counterparts. It's rare a woman wins. hang on to the oh shit handle in my sister's car. Her (indy style) driving demands it. hang on to the oh shit handle when my father drives. He, um, doesn't always notice stops signs or other drivers that are right there. visualize taking the pillow and pressing it down on hubby's face when his snoring reaches a certain decible. It's not like I'm going to do it and thinking about it gives me pleasure.. if only briefly. However, poking him (hard) is quite satisfying too. think the Big Bang Theory is one of funniest comedies out there.

...tape shows. It's not ok to let them pile, unwatched, 20 deep. walk in a book store and pick up two new releases from one's favorite author. It's really ok. :-)

What are you Okay with?


  1. Oh yeah, there is NOTHING wrong with picking up two books by your fave author. Hope you actually find yourself some time to read them, babe. xo

  2. And add It's OK to drink leftover wine for breakfast - some days just call for that kind of start! LOL
    And right there with ya on The Big Bang Theory - hysterical. Sheldon is my hero!

  3. I love the Big Bang Theory too! I live with an Asperger child and my husband is an engineer, so I can relate very well to the show!
    Its OK to say somedays, life sucks, then thank God for big straws!

  4. Its ok to leave the dishes until morning... and its ok to just scream sometimes!!! lol

  5. I love Kim's idea.
    It is OK have a No Laundry Day!

  6. I love the big bang theory!

  7. you are hilarious. I found you through Add A Pinch. The one about smothering your man with a pillow, made me laugh out loud! Too dang funny! My man always gets upset if I poke him, if he only knew!

  8. These are hilarious. And yes, you are right, the men in Biggest Loser always lose more weight.

    Thanks for joining in on Mingle Monday. Have a great week!

  9. Definitely a Big Bang Theory (the TV show, not the actual theory) fan! And I couldn't live without my DVR - well, maybe I could, but I wouldn't want to!

    {Stopping by to say “hi” from Monday Mingle.}


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