Nov 18, 2010

Visual after approval. Ooopsy, rejected.

Ahh the blogging world.. a wonderful place to write, to share, to have creative power. And yes, a place to express.
Which is what I did on a post I read recently.
About a mother searching ( read raiding) a 17 year old son's room, after finding a crinkled up condom package in the laundry. She proceeded to search his room only to find oodles of condoms, ( that's a shocker) taking a picture of said condoms and posting it. ( had to laugh, he thinks ahead and often judging by the amount.)
Then blogging about how she caught her son in a lie. He stayed overnight at a girl's house when her Mother and sibling were away.
Mother threatened to tell the girl's mother about the evening.
Son breaks off with 'love of his life'.
Anger, heartbreak and misery. For son, for girl,for son's mother who was lied to.

Yes.. the right to blog about her upset over it, the right to express.

Which is what I did when I commented on it. I expressed in my humble opinion that perhaps it might not be her place to tell the girl's mother. (remember it's only my opinion here, I'm not talking for the masses)  That searching through his room was probably not the wisest thing either. (I was thinking more like invasion of privacy, especially over condoms)  That the end result would be to push her son into 'hiding'. I gave praise to the boy for being responsible and respectful of the girl by protecting them both. And I asked what the legal age for consensual sex was in her area. I was truly curious. It's 16 where I live.
I wasn't agressive in my response, I wasn't looking to stir. I was merely stating my opinion. Damn, I raised two teenagers, been there, done that. ( I thank GOD every day I'm done the teenage years, they are h a r d and they suck. period)

I hit post and was directed to a captcha, which is never required for posting on this person's blog. Ahh ok, she only wants back up responses. I knew there was NO way my comment was going to be posted.

I have to wonder what boy of 17, on the face of this earth, wouldn't lie through his eye teeth if he had the chance for a hot night of lovin', unrestricted?
And to be responsible enough to wear a condom? I say this because the boy who got my daughter pregnant 3 1/2 years ago said to her, upon learning of the pregnancy, 'I hope you die in childbirth, bitch'.
Yes.. miraculously he lives today and he's still not much of a 'father' figure in the child's life. However, I can see it was spoken out of fear and immaturity. Oh don't get me wrong, I'll never forgive him for it but I know where it came from.

I learn new things about the blog world on a weekly basis. Some good, some meh.. not so much, others not so surprising. This one falls under that category.

I mean no disrespect to her in this blog, on the off chance she comes a'visiting. She rarely does.
And yes, she had a perfect right to choose not to publish my comment, to raise her son as she deems fit but me thinks she's in for a change in her relationship with him.

How about you, my bloggy friends, do you add a captcha to your comments? (They drive me nuts by the way. But I do understand why some might need it.)  Would you have posted my comment if it was your post? Do you only want sunshine and roses on your blog? ( I am allergic to 'pollyanna' types so if you are that, I don't follow you, sorry ) Are you able to logically see another side and opinion to your own?

As an FYI, my kids take great pleasure these days in telling me what they pulled as teens. Things like my eldest taking my jeep for a spin at night, when I was fast asleep, without any sort of licence. Or her happening upon a boy youngest daughter was making out with in her bedroom, chasing him out of the house then down the street with said jeep. Or youngest drinking my vodka with a friend,straight up, replacing it with water then going out and puking their guts out in the bush.
Oh I can go on... and on... and on. Get my drift?
We laugh, sometimes I cringe but we all agree; those little turds of mine are lucky I'm only finding out about this stuff now.
However, we never did shy away from birth control. The topic or need for it. Yes, my lil Boo was an oopsy but always was/is/will be a blessing.


  1. I would love to receive advice from you!
    You are Experienced, you are Wise!

    As a mother, If I am Not Prepared to Find Something, I do not go looking!

  2. You know, I do have my comments approved before posted, only because if it is a wicked comment I don't want it on my blog. Most have come from people in my past that don't like me. And at the end of the day, it's my blog and I don’t want a bunch of negative attacks. Now with that said, I LOVE constructive criticism. And really, I have not allowed a comment to be posted in a long –long time. We all have different opinions and that’s why I blog and also read other blogs. I would have posted your comment, you weren’t being hurtful or destructive. If people aren’t up for a little diversity they should make their blog restricted to comments.

  3. our blog is our blog but when we post we open up a window and anything said can come in. i never thought of being restrictive in comments given. the only thing that bothers me if a person gets hostile and angry. rose

  4. GOTTA LOVE your girls! I know I do! <3

  5. I don't have an "approval" first thing. If I've written something so controversial that I'm afraid of the comments, I'm in the WRONG business. And if someone is just being an idiot, there is a delete button :-)

    Your kids and my teen life sound, er, similar <3

  6. Missy, wise words yourself, sunshine.

    Tay, I understand the need for approval. In a case such as yours, I agree. No worries on the comment not being posted though.. it's the blogging world, right?

    Rose, getting hostile and angry serves no purpose. Unless, of course, someone's coming after my girls. ha ha . But I agree, it would bother me too.

    Mary, still anon eh? The stories those girls can tell you and probably will never tell me...

    Dawn, given your profession, very true. That being said, though, I don't think we're going to be visiting the Aussies any time soon. ;-)
    Yeah.. your teen, sigh. I'm having wicked flashbacks to hear you talking about her er events.

  7. I do require approval, but for first-time commenters only. There are too many trolls out there -- I don't want toxic crap up on my blog, even temporarily. But I've never refused a comment, and I wouldn't refuse one just for disagreeing with me. If they're obnoxious or abusive, though, I would.

  8. I do require it because I was getting TONS of spam. I didn't really want Viagra ads in my comments.
    I think you have a unique perspective. I agree that she is forcing him into lies. But I am not sure I disagree with her searching his room. I regularly log in to my son's texts and Facebook. I thought I'd start this while he's young enough so that he gets there's nothing TO hide. When I've found things I disagree with, I talk to him about it, instead of threaten or punish. I hope to have an open dialogue.

    This is hard, to search or not. I really think it depends on the kids personality- whether to do it or not.

  9. I don't have any type of approval thing on my comments. I honestly don't know if I ever would? I guess maybe if I started getting lots of spam, just because it's annoying to everyone.

    I have a 19 year old son, and I have searched his room, his cell phone, his computer, his car...BUT, not secretively. He knows I do it, he just doesn't know when I'm going to do it (and I haven't done it in a long time!). However, when I look, I'm only looking for "dangerous" things - things that need intervention. Indications of drug use, internet predators, etc. I happen to know that he does have condoms in his room. He and I have discussed it (prior to me finding the condoms). He knows I would rather him wait until he's financially and mentally prepared for any "accidents", but I know he's a teen boy and that likely isn't going to happen. I feel very fortunate that he and I can talk. He knows there are things that I will disapprove of, things that I will be disappointed in, but we can still talk, even about those things.


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.