Mar 7, 2011

How many reasons do you need break a rental lease?

The following is a true story. No names mentioned to protect my girls errr I mean the innocents.  

Consider yourself warned: if you have a weak stomach stop here. 
  • Roommate does not comprehend the intricate workings of cleaning supplies
  • Does not know what dish soap is for.
  • believes sinks are permanent storage spaces for dirty dishes
  • wears the innocent's Lululemon clothes WHILE on she's on her period. ( ok EW ) 
  • went a whole month without a TOOTHBRUSH. ( I can't wrap my head around that one.)
  • Near the end of the month, the innocent found her toothbrush on the side of the sink, w e t. GAG.  
  • leaves USED condoms on the floor of her bedroom for a 3 year old innocent child to find. ( excuse me a minute, still trying to stop myself from shoving it up her nostril with a really sharp instrument.)
  • Bought groceries ONCE in 3 months, all fattening foods ,good for no one else but to feed her insatiable appetite . 
  • wore VERY expensive hair extensions NOT belonging to her, leaving them a knotted mess. Looked like a fool in them. Didn't tell her. oopsy.
  • wore all clothes from the innocent, without permission , stretching them beyond recognizable shape as her shape is quite, um, unique in a BIG way. ( think a blubbery seal when it propels itself forward) 
  • would sit on couch all day long watching soap operas while the innocent cleaned like mad then asked for food to be made.
  • would leave strange body fluids? textures? ( how does one describe this? ) in the bottom of the tub. Innocent would have to disinfect it before young child was allowed to go NEAR it. 
  • Bathroom sink/counter/mirror showing wild brushing techniques, although colour and texture again was suspicious. 
  • Pubic hairs e v e r y w h e r e. ( gag ) 
  • Would use innocent's private TOWELS after showers. 
  • Would leave food on plates, meat on stove and old pizza boxes around till one had to assume a science experiment was underway.
  • Never once picked up a garbage bag to deposit to the garbage bin. In fact would leave a large green bag open in the kitchen till full to brimming and start another beside it
  • Maintains that men will spend ALL their money on females and pay for everything. ( Including sex?)  
  • Belittling innocent on a continual basis, included mothering techniques, when she is childless herself.
  • Belittling and pigeonholing blacks and others of different race. And her,claiming to be half native. Go figure. 
  • Innocent would leave for a week on end. Think 'Hoarders' as to the condition of the appartment when I drove her back. 
  • In the space of three months, no less than seven different males in this person's bed.Two more within a month's span thereafter. (that we know of) 
  • Habitual liar. Self confessed. Pathological liar, plain for all to see. Would only need to recount the lie twice before she actually believed in it. Took situations/stories told to her by innocent, in turn telling all and sunder using herself in the story. 
  • (Fair warning on this one you may want to stop reading because this is absolutely disgusting.) Hollering from the bathroom four hours after having sex because she found the condom that was previously thought to have been broken. Guess where it was located? Go on.. guess.  ;-)
I have never been so glad as the day I moved my girls out of that place. Unfortunately during the time period of a week it took me to do so, we were held witness to the ultimate in trailer trash, pettiness , insults ( I was told to use my hand to wipe myself when I went to the bathroom as the toilet paper was not mine.) nastiness and grade school behaviour. Most of this stellar display came from that person and her mother. 
But as the saying goes, Karma's a bitch. And I'm sure she's going to have a field day toying with these highly unpleasant bottom feeders. 
I wish I could see it but I have faith in the balancing of scales. 
The innocents? They are safe,thriving and moving forward. 


  1. Your restraint in not going postal on the pig is commendable. Thank heaven your innocents have you and are safely out of the pig's reach. Gross. Many lessons learned, I'm sure. xo

  2. OMG!!! Your children should be so thankful you got them out of there!!!
    What is wrong with people???

  3. smh, some people's children. give new meaning to being raised in a barn.. men/ anyone fnds her attractive? is cringe for our sex :)

  4. “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”


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