Mar 27, 2011

Push over William, His Highness is in da house.

Yeah.. yeah, I know. Cute, right?
FYI: I have a West Highland Terrier that has the disgusting habit/issue of puking up stomach bile. They are known for a couple of things, those dogs. a) some can have bad skin problems, b) they barf like mine and c) they are the most pig headed arrogant dogs ever. 
Gee how did I get so lucky? ( this is hubby's dog but ya know.. hubby's a pipeliner and gone a good portion of the time. ) 
Ok so I sound like a bitch, I'm really not. (Unless you push me into it, then you better run because if warrented, I can be the biggest e.v.e.r. Scared yet? *wink* )
I want it known I don't mistreat animals, and if you know me at all, you know I'm all mouth about this little monster mutt. Seriously though, I wish hubby would be able to take the dog with him on the pipeline far far away. sigh.(I also take care of my daughter's dog, took care of my other daughter's cat till it died.What do I look like? A freaking animal shelter??! ) 

But I digress ( hmm I do that often don't I? ) 

Back to Bear's puking. I was lucky enough to run into a lady (where else but the pet store) who gave me the. best. advice. ever. for those of us who have pukey dogs. 
A tablespoon of natural yogurt every night before bedtime. 
A magic elixir, I kid you not. It cut his barfing down by 70%! ( If you knew how much I've cleaned up from the 4 yrs he's been with us. UGH) 
But true to form, his Highness doesn't just like any yogurt, no no no. We've wasted spent quite a bit of time and $$ finding the brand that Heself approves of.  To boot, don't dare mix it. In fact, take the spoon and barely disturb it,deposit it ever so slowly in his dish less it changes a single molecular strand of it's present consistency. Otherwise he'll refuse it flat out, the little frigger. 

Why? Why, I ask you, am I surrounded by high maintenance living beings of all shapes and sizes??! Of all in my life, there are 2 of us who are low maintenance. My eldest daughter, Bella and me. And I don't see her near enough. ( ha ha, don't get your knickers in a knot, youngest daughter. ) 

Bear? He'll be around for another 15 years. 
I guess I best think about investing in yogurt and liquid carpet cleaner stocks. 


  1. Oh he is so cute, I would take him in a minute..puke and all!
    My cats are very finicky eaters and I have spent a fortune trying to satisfy their picky appetites!

  2. My dog always gets the foil lid from the yogurt. She licks it clean while chasing it around the kitchen floor. So its a treat and a toy!

  3. Thank you for the laugh, you are a funny writer.

    Love the yogurt tip...

  4. With that face! Who can stay cross for too long? Worse than a toddler, definitely... Whoever thought a dog could be low maintenance? (I did, I must sheepishly admit!)


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