Mar 12, 2011

March's 'I believe'

...iPhone 4 is for play. Blackberry is for business. I like play. 

...some extended family members were adopted. I secretly believe they are related to Bubbles.

...somedays I do the equivalent of banging my head against the wall.

...I need a caffeine I.V. For some oddball reason, my first cuppa coffee keeps evaporating.

...comeuppance is a word I really like, especially in action. :-)

...with some people, they are not looking for answers, they are looking for a place to lay blame. Sorry, wrong house Sunshine. 

...when spring has finally sprung, I'll set my lawn chair on top of my 50' snowbank and raise a glass to the death of Ol' Man Winter. You were a mean bastard this year, you miserable prick. 

...we're going to set up to go tent camping this year. Hubby best figure out a way to sweeten the pot if I have to rough it again. ( Like heaters and cots and in-tent room service) 

...if I could stay up past friggen 9:30 pm, I'd watch the 15 or so movies I have waiting for me on my computer. 

...I've read more books in the last 3 months I've had a Kobo than I have in 3 years. Like it says: Anywhere, Anytime. 

...I better start car shopping soon. A promise is a promise. I hand over my Jeep to my eldest when she passes her driver's test. Which should be in a couple of weeks. 

What do you believe my bloggy pals?


  1. I believe that I can hang on a little while longer.

  2. Tent camping? My idea of camping is lying beside a pool at a 5 star hotel, but thats just me! I believe I never have to go tent camping again...

  3. There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.