Mar 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- When winter does you in.

My midweek comfort eating cooking. (Warning: May cause hunger and a caloric overload)


  1. I long for the day when we will be able to see food like this and say "How about a couple of pretzels and some of that pasta down the old chute" and there it would come right onto a plate sitting by the computer! hey one of my oldest cousins used to say when I was about 10, someday things will be so automated, all house work will be done by machine. Still waiting for that to happen but we have come a long way! Love your blog!

  2. O, no! I have been warned, but I had to look! Yummmmmmy! ;-)

  3. yumyum on the pretzels :-)

  4. Dear Lord! And, I am so hormonal right now!!!


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