Nov 5, 2009

The Ugly and the Beautiful

How do you define ugly? (Not in a people sense but we will talk about that later on.)
But rather in a day to day?
Look below.

THAT'S ugly, my friends. I'll wait a sec while you count the piles. Plus the one in the washer. sigh. 8 loads of laundry. This is what happens when I have an operation and recoup from it. When your 19 year old daughter falls dog sick and has to care for her 2 yr old. When your husband works dawn to dark.

Discouraging isn't it?
Well no sense crying in one's beer over it, it's got to be done.
And I know my family, the more daunting the task, the more they look to me to bail them out ;-)

To give points to hubby he carried ALL those clothes down four sets of stairs to the basement. I LOVE him for it. This is what makes me buck up and tackle this bloody mess. I'm not exhausted from carrying it all down.

How do you define beautiful? (again not in a people sense but we will talk about that later on. )
But rather in a visual sense.
Look below.

This, to me, is absolutely beautiful. It was taken when I went to Massachusetts to visit my friend, Mary. I'd forgotten the sheer size of the trees in the eastern part of North American.
I LOVE the setting for this house, heck I LOVE this house. :-)
And the colours weren't good this year Mary remarked. In fact it was the 5th Autumn the colours weren't bright. Geezus, give me this ANY day, I'll take it!
But New Englanders know their Autumns. I would imagine in all their glory, the colours are so bright they would hurt the eyes in the sunlight. Beautiful.

I'd write a longer post but you know, 8 loads of laundry and all. If I don't surface for a couple of days, call for help. I probably got caught in the piles and they won't let me freeeee. ha ha

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Got enough laundry?! Crap!

    As far as the beautiful scene you like. Everytime I go past there now, I think of you and you telling me it's your fav! I guess I enjoy it more now knowing it's something you enjoy!


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