Dec 15, 2009

Sanity Saver

I decided to flip off Ol' Man Winter today and I did it rather well I might add :-)
This is the last miserable frigid day before the cold snap ends and I'm at the end of my rope with the weather.
I have been housebound for a week plus now. My daughter had surgery Friday last and she's had a rough go of it since,poor lil sweetheart of mine. Before that we got bamboozled by a rather ugly stomach flu.18 hours of sheer gut renching (literally I might add ) misery. UGH.
So today instead of facing yet another day trying to climb these stupid walls, I took my cabin fever self to the tanning salon and spent the first 30 minutes in a cedar infrared sauna.
How do I describe how freekin good I felt after? It's simply amazing what it does for me, my mood, my skin. What in God's earth stops me from doing this regularly?? What I ask?!?
When I move into our new home, I'm going to own me one of those lovely sanity savers I tell ya.
To cap it off, I hopped in the stand up for a six minute soak of Vitamin C. Chasing away that pale
image of me that keeps staring back in the mirror.
Did I mention how much it helps my S.A.D.? I 'HEART' that sauna and stand up. :-)
And I have another date with it again before week's out.
So bring it on ol' man Winter, I've got the perfect arsenal.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going tanning too! Did I mention that I'm going to Mexico next month? :)


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