Dec 21, 2009

Open Letter

Dear Hair,
I know it's been a tough couple of months and I've neglected you somewhat but tomorrow
when we sit in the hairdresser's chair, I promise you I will be better with you if you play nicer with me.
So here's to a new beginning tomorrow, deal?

Dear Start of the Day,
I'm not to good at structuring us lately, I know this. But you have to admit, it's sometimes fun
not to have a plan. The new year will probably change this but we'll be ready you and I. For now though, let's wing it k?

Dear Clothes,
You've been really good at fitting me properly lately and I promise to keep working with
you to keep it that way. Even though the holidays. But do forgive me if I go into a slight food coma
on the 25th. I'll be back to respect you, Clothes, on the 26th.

Dear Christmas Holidays,
While I might be so done with your jingles and crazy crowds, I want to tell you I appreciate the build up you give me up to about the last week and a half before the 'Big Event'. I do enjoy it up to then, I really do. With all due respect though, I will make you a memory the day after.

Dear Old Man Winter.
I understand your need to make a bold statement and I've been fairly gracious but you and
I have to talk in the new year. I've set a date for your departure and I'd like to discuss it with you A.S.A.P.

Dear Birthday,
We have another one coming up I see. Sooner than I wanted you to but hey, you're in the driver's seat.
You and I are going to try something different this year ok? We're going to celebrate YOU. Game? Ok then, it's a deal, let's give it a try!

Dear World,
My daughter is coming to find you in a couple of months. I want your solemn promise you will do right by her and her daughter. Don't keep showing her your nasty side, she's seen enough already. Please show her your good side,care for her and she'll make you a better place, you have MY solemn promise on that.

Warm regards,

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