Dec 7, 2009

Without regrets or doubts

As I prepare to say goodbye to 2009, I find myself thinking about what kind of year it was. Honestly? It was what it was and it's almost done. I've no problem moving forward, looking ahead to new things, places and friendships. Letting go of what needs to, taking from it what I need. As in most everything I do I do so without regrets or doubts.

Work was a bitch, if truth be told. Staff issues, silly egos, letdowns and unrealistic expectations. But it wasn't all bad, it did have it's high moments. I just had to remind myself of what I had built there over five years, I proved my self worth. Between a hectic home life and more hours than I bargained for at work, I rocked it. And I left without regrets or doubts.

I changed this year, I know I did. And I'm A-OK with that. I had to come face to face with my truths. It lent to some difficult decisions that in the end weren't so hard after all. The steps I took freed me in ways I never expected, allowed me to grow...lighter, older, wiser. So I move forward with these decisions without regret or doubts.

I move out of Edmonton next year. It's been my home on and off for 17 years and it's given me good, bad, sad and amazing moments. Reality is that I have awesome daughters who are what they are because/inspite/despite of Edmonton. Yet they've managed to retain ,within themselves, their place of origin  even after all these years. But next year is about changes so when I leave this place, I do it without regrets or doubts.

I say goodbye to 2009, thanking Father Time for the lessons he dished out and the situations it found me in. This year was a year for learning and if you know me, my day's not complete without discovering something new.

 I look forward to next year and surely it will open more doors and avenues. I've got a lot of life to go through and I say 'Bring it on!' I'm ready, able and willing to change, grow and learn what I'm supposed to.
And I'm sure the decisions I will make then will be without regrets or doubts.

So goodbye 2009 and Hello! to 2010. :-)

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