Dec 26, 2009

It's DONE :-)

Repeat after me
Jamie's not a bitch, Jamie's not a bitch.
Going forward with this, may I tell you how happy I am the holiday season is DONE.
Yeahaww, I'm honest to goodness doing a happy jig in my chair right now. 

What's brought me to this point? Stores. Crowds of people. Parking lot rage. (not mine either) the absolute craziness of getting everything done in time. For some reason, I always think I have more time than I do. All of a sudden it's do or die and I am forced to go out into the madness of last minute shoppers arrrrghhh. Yeah , my fault I know I know.

I love the four walls of 'home'. I can walk in , shut the door and forget about the above aforementioned. Slap on a pair of flannels ( a much needed wardrobe necessity when you live in the bloody frozen tundra'ish lands of northern Alberta.) make a hot steaming cup of tea or coffee or toddy ( my vote ) and forget the outside. 

Having said all this, I did enjoy my Christmas with my family so so so very much. I always do. They are what 'home' means to me. I realize at some point we will all go our separate ways with our separate families. I'm ok with this but I will take each and every moment I have with them now and tuck it in my memory book that sits in the very center of my heart. 

Gift wise I SUPER scored. All three of them put who I am in the gifts I received. That means the world to me. I was as touched by the littlest things as to the ohhh so lovely gift hubby bestowed upon me. Every last present will be used with equal amount of appreciation.. Even today I took each and every little thing and relieved the memory of the moment, wrapping myself with the love that was in that room Christmas morning. 

Ok Jamie enough with the sap SHEESH, ( did you guys hear the violins playing in the background while you were reading that? lol )

Today hubby and I venture out, voyeurs of the sheer insanity and mayhem of Boxing Day without being participants. It's entertainment in it's purest form. 

So as I breath a sigh of relief, I bid you all a good day. Me, I'm relaxing and looking forward to the new year. Well actually,in my head I've begun my countdown to Spring. It's the only thing that gets me through the mountains of snow, the bone chilling cold and the ice rink we call roads.

1 comment:

  1. So glad your day was perfect with the family!

    Yep, it's done and now the countdown to YOUR NEW HOUSE! :O)well, your birthday first!)

    As usual, I can't get into my account so lets sign it....MARY! :O)


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