Jan 9, 2010

Bitchy and Blind

Well DAMN, NO wonder I can't see diddly shit.
No wonder I put it off..for four years.
No wonder no more and I'm damn cranky for the knowledge of it.

Stupid eye appointment. 
I didn't want to go, didn't want to hear what I knew I was going to.ARGH
A) I'm now 'legally blind' in both peepers.
B) I need progressives.

I'm told I can't have laser surgery of any kind, due to differences with farsightedness and nearsightedness. Due to blah blah blah other unpronounceable medical terms blah blah . Well lol as it stands , everything far is fuzzy and everything near has to be brought up thisclose for me to see/read without glasses.
Screwed coming and going.

Ah but hope springs eternal doesn't it. And it would appear that I have tapped into a source. :-)
Let me explain.

First off, I got me a hawtttt new pair of glasses. I love going to see Christine, she always nails it within
three pair. After 17 years, I think she has a fair idea of facial structure/frame shape I need/like/want.
This time, I wanted a real punch in colour. And hot diggity damn I got it! :-) So screw the progressives, I'll take it on the chin and forget about it. ( but I'm still growling over the fact at this point. ) I'm also in denial about the astronomical cost of them, a hit to the solar plexus is what it is. ouchie gulp! But baby they are smokin' ha ha.

Secondly, and this is a major biggie, I have just bought my last pair of glasses..sort of. I'll still need reading glasses as the end of it all but probably the kind I can buy in Costco or something. ( in a way it's a sad moment for me, I LOVE new glasses ..  But pppffhhtt I'll get over it right quick )
In two or three years from now, I'm going to get my eyes sliced open.
Yeah, you read that right. Sliced.
Ugh queasy moment here.
I'm going under a surgeon's very sharp knife. And I'm pumped! ( I can be excited now, I'm no where near my surgery. )

Lately there has been so much progress with technology in as far as eye surgery goes. I will get my own lens taken out and replaced with new man made tailored to my eyesight ones.

Presto! Purrfect eyesight. ( providing I'm a suitable candidate of course. Pray for me , people, PRAY lol) I'll be able to rub my eyes to my heart's content, ( ahh nothing like a good eye rub when you are tired eh? ) and I won't ever have to fear I'll go completely blind if I get jarred hard enough. I won't have a laser to burn into my corneas, or get them shaved down. I'll simply remove my defective optical lens and get new ones.
Yeah, I'm SO in.

But for now, I'll be able to go out and celebrate my birthday with a brand new pair of HOT RED glasses. :-) 

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