Mar 10, 2010

Are we NOT any further than this??

This week I received a very emotional email from a very very dear friend.
She's hurting on a deep down level I can't even reach her at.
The cause of this pain? Her convictions. Her beliefs. Who she is.
And we make her pay for it. Or rather society does, specifically the male gender.
Back in my day it wasn't expected for us to 'put out'. Hell, they were happy if
they scored some kisses and a few gropes.
No I didn't grow up in the stone ages, BUT I did grow up in a simpler time.
To watch today's society, I am grateful for that time period. But  I am so angry and disgusted at the male population of today.
It's all about getting laid. Period.

I am sick of seeing the women I care about pay for their strengths.
My daughter, who doesn't 'put out',isn't a size sub zero and has a child pays... dearly
My dear dear friend who is questioning what she believes in pays...painfully
My other dear friend that was slapped a crappy deal and who's child is a preteen pays...every time.

What point have we reached when our chances at a date depends on being a subzero sized childless easy lay?? Haven't we come further than this?? How dare you delegate us to this level.
Who are YOU to make her question herself, or find her unsatisfactory for not reaching your cheap shallow standards?
Who are YOU?
I'll tell you who YOU are. In a few years YOU will be that middle aged balding, stressed out unhappy middle of nowhere/minimum wage idiot that looks like a fool driving that little secondhand 15 year old sports car. And your life will be as shallow as that puddle you just drove over.

My girls? They'll be living a full happy life with the few good men that are out there. I might not be able to convince them of that now, (it's hard cutting through that layer of hurt and disillusionment you're solely responsible for.) but I know this because I used to be that girl who paid dearly for her beliefs. I married one of those few good men AND I know where you are today, jerk.

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