Mar 7, 2010

It's Okay!




It's Okay! think uber nasty thoughts at the dumb ass that wouldn't let me ahead of her in Costco's Sunday mid afternoon lineups. I wouldn't want to push ahead of her OVERFLOWING cart with my TWO items, thanks for giving me ample time to people watch. mourn your fingernails. They're gone. Packing a house isn't condusive to having long fingernails. Suck it up, Buttercup. sigh want a big honkin' steel bumper on your food cart. I wouldn't hit and run either, I'd look you straight in the face as I drive you and your buggy the other side of the store. Where I'm not. miss stuff crust pizza. With beer. Screw the veggies. go organic, I applaud you. But your snotty & holier than thou attitude isn't. You didn't have to near knock us on our asses because we were pondering the purchase. Breath have a Blackberry or iPhone, they are entertaining. But folks? It's really ok to ignore it when you are in the middle of a conversation. Your message or email or Fb or Twitter status update will STILL be there waiting for you at the end of it. crave a smoke at times, even after 17 years of quitting. Stand beside someone smoking and inhale deeply. It'll work on the first 2 inhales, you'll choke blue on the 3rd. And when someone invents a smoke that doesn't harm you , it'll be okay to knock even the Queen on her ass to be first in line to get one. :-) have an easy sense of humor. I envy the fact you can laugh at dorkiest things. But don't worry if you don't comprehend a sarcastic nature, we are set apart and labeled a different breed. dance like no one's watching, I'm ignoring you and busting a move at the same time. Talented aren't I? I just can't embarrass the girls anymore with it. Crap.


So...what are you Okay with?

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