Mar 17, 2010

Remember? No, I don't. Arghh

I'm a walking case for the need to take some sort of memory pill but I wouldn't remember to take the bloody thing.
Yeah yeah, I know. Do Sudoku or Crosswords. Hate 'em both. Or rather, don't have the patience for them. Anything to do with improving my memory I balk at.
What are you on about , Jamie, you ask? Well..I'll tell you.
How's about sitting in the Walmart parking lot , listening to 96.3 and a stupid song from wayyy back is making my eyes water. Not that it's embarrassing enough, no, I also have no idea why it's making me cry. And believe you me, I'm NOT a public crier.
I sit there trying to figure it out, the memory is dancing on the very edge of my subconscious but it's refusing to take the leap to bring me in on it.
I have SO many memories like that. Drives me nuts at times trying to remember or IF I'm supposed have a memory attached to what I'm feeling. Arghhhh

This station is a good/bad thing for me.I just never know when I'll be driving along and whoops there goes my eyes again, springing a freakin' leak. Damn. It.
However, it's not all sad/bad. There are songs that take me to a time where all I had to worry about was being back home in time for supper. Waking up, packing my backpack with a lunch, a bathing suit and book and spending the day at the pool. With friends. As in without adult supervision. Pissed off because I wasn't 13 yet and couldn't stay in the pool after 5. I'd been there since 10 am.Yeah, it was a tad bit safer back then. We were actually allowed to BE kids.
We used to be out after supper riding our bikes all over town, without a care in the world. Wow, just to type that makes me shake my head at the state of today. Kids doing that in the here and now? Never, ever. We can't let them out in the backyard without checking on them every 15 minutes. Drive by shootings, drugs and all manner of the nasty side of society. Sad. It makes me sad they don't have what I did. A relatively danger free/predator free play zone/upbringing.

But I digress. And I could continue to digress but that's not the point of this particular blog.

It's frustrating not to be able to remember but maybe that's not a bad thing. Maybe there's a reason, maybe there's not. Who knows. On the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty much a normal viable contributing member of society. I just suck b a d at the memory game. The thought of a high school reunion terrifies me, how the hell am I going to remember you? Hey Donna G ? When the time comes, if the time comes, you are NOT allowed leaving my side. You will stand in for my memory, comprendo Amigo?

But sighh.. songs.. certain smells..deja vu's, the mysteries of my life. I just wish the stupid water works wouldn't flow at will, kinda sorta dangerous when I'm driving 110 clicks an hour and things blur up on me. Or in a Walmart parking lot, looking like I've either got a wicked gas pain or losing in within the confines of my Jeep.

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