Mar 19, 2010

March's Musings of This, That and Other Things.

I am at a loss as to what to do with myself lately. I have packed as much as I need to and the four walls are closing in on me. Fast. Sure and a good reason to head over to Starbucks to regain sanity.

Speaking of... I love people watching at that coffee shop. The clientele is so vastly different than Tim Horton's. Everything from young families to the older generation with everything in between. And the Baristas as SO much more friendlier than Tim's. Pardon my rudness but they can speak English.

Speaking of People .. Some most People (of Walmart) need their own island. 'Nuff said.

I've been offered the chance to go to Hawaii again. Imagine that, but I've turned it down. I know I know, crazy eh? ( <--- yeah ---> colour <--- me Canadian) Truth? I want to go to Scotland, home of my ancestors. Aye grand adventures awaits me. :-)

I'm in the process of switching over to glass containers from plastic. Trouble is, I'm clumsy and tend to break anything, I even shattered a Corel dish. You know the brand, right? The unbreakable dishes hubby got for me because I'm clumsy special.  Ppfftt! Broke some of that no problem. I have tile floors in the kitchen and some of those glass containers are heavy. Can you see where I'm going with this? Is there such a class I can take called 'Tile & Grout 101'? 

My daughter's turning twenty and you think the teens years are behind her right? Well..didn't she up and roll her eyes at me three times the other day! I could of cheerfully poked her beautiful peepers out. Drove me nuts when she was 15 and that was her favorite  'push Mom's button' action. But have no fear, I have a secret weapon. I have her daughter.. muahahah it's called cookies and chocolate and candy before going back home to Mommy's. ;-)

Why is it I can take those monsters mutts for a walk, bring them back home FILTHY freakin' dirty, get them rinsed off without acting like the roof is caving in? YOU took them out for a walk, dear Hubby. YOU get them clean again. Hint: Keep them on a (short) leash till you get them under the sprayer. Hello?

Speaking of.. Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

As much as I don't do reality shows, I found myself series recording Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. It's bloody entertaining, it's what it is. But try as I might, I can't seem to work up sympathy for some of those spoiled overindulgent whiners people in there. My bad. Oh and Heidi Fleiss? You are scary ice cold shite, woman.

What are your musings of the day? :-)


  1. Ah my dear, you had me chuckling with this blog! <3

  2. and I'm not anonymous....I'm MARY....why'd it stick me in as anonymous! PFFFTTTT!!!!


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.