Mar 5, 2010

March's Open Letters

Dear Organic Dark Chocolate
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :-)
In your dark delicious debt,
Chocoholic Chickie

Dear Wallet,
Can you find a money I.V. to feed you? I've been in the mood to open you up and empty you. Go ahead, shake the money tree, then come back..we'll shop talk.
Wallet Wench 

Dear Jeep,
Go WASH yourself already. Do you know how dirty you are? You outta be ashamed of yourself prancing around like that. Find an ounce of pride will you.
Your Navigator

Dear Dog,
Much like the Jeep, I have NO idea how you stand yourself. Why oh friggen WHY do you roll in unidentifiable stuff? Have you no shame? Can't you stay clean for more than a day on end? Go wash yourself already, you look funny and you smell. Bad.
Holding my nose,
Your human 'Mom'.

Dear Sleep,
Why, hello :-) Where have you been the last two years? I've missed you. It's awfully nice of you to visit me the last three nights in a row. In the future, don't be such a stranger.
Sleep Sated(for now),
Siesta Sistah.

Dear Hubby,
It's not a good idea to surpass my given line on the wine glass when you pour. I know you do it for shits and giggles but as you recently found out, crankiness sets in if I've had too much. And what is too much? A hair close to the halfway mark. What did you pour? Over half. By two hairs. You had to put up with me till I went to sleep. And I made sure I stayed up LONGER than usual. :-)
Your lighweight lush of a wife.

Dear Lil Boo,
Don't grow up so fast please? Your mother and Auntie Bella pulled that on me not to long ago and I'm still not all that happy about it. Let's stop time for a bit, shall we? We'll  run, we'll play, we'll take every moment, stretch it out to it's limit, and then slow it down a little bit more.
Not likin' the time tickin',

Dear New Sunglasses,
Can I tell you HOW much I needed you? Can I tell you how pretty you are?  Can I tell you how much I love hiding behind you? Afterall, people watching is only fun if you don't get caught at it.
Eyes locked and loaded,
Your Grateful Peepers

Dear First Cup of Coffee in the Morning,
Why hello you beautiful thing you. The 'drip drip' of that dark amber liquid is music to my ears. That first sip of your magic elixir brings my body to resemble a being. Phooey on the naysayers anyways, they are seriously missing out.
your loyal devotee,
Jonsin' for Java

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