Mar 14, 2010

  I Believe

...Three ring binders are evil and out to get you.

...I'd like to be able to draw in my next life. I'd dive bomb at Pictionary.

...a lotto ticket should definitely be purchased when you pass a cop that has a taxi pulled over and is giving him a ticket. And two in one week?! Hello? Where am I? Am I on some parallel universe?

...we can pass a mohawk haircut with merely a glance yet we sneer at mullets. Takes guts to prance around with one if you stop and think about it. generation is known as workhorses ( definition #2 ) ,  my hands are testimony. Sniff

...I'll have the worse nightmares ever when my Nightmare Slayer is out of town working.

...little white dogs have no business being outside during the Spring thaw. Yuck.

...when you've reached the point of no return, you just as well to keep going. Screw it. ;-)

...the weatherman neglected to let us know the windchill factor. Nasty sense of humor.

...fifth graders are smarter.

...The one and ONLY downside to being slimmer is always being cold.

...there's a two tier justice system here. Jaffer proved it without a shadow of a doubt. and have used the saying, 'Ya burn your ass, ya sit on the blister.'


What do you believe?


  1. If the only downside to being slimmer is always being cold, I say, Heck, I'll buy a sweater, just help me get slimmer!

  2. hg, not to sound like a broken record but it's true what they say. Exercise, water and counting calories. All equal to hard work and it sucks major @ times but I love the pay off. Lost 42 pounds. My daughter is nearing 30 lbs lost.
    And yeah, I've got sweaters.. and hoodies.. and flannels( hey, Canadian eh. It's about the flannels ;-) )


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