Jul 7, 2010

July's It's Okay!

...to have allergies. I'm allergic to bullshit. I know, right? There's no meds strong enough.

...if my hubby calls the dryer his 5th drawer. At least he knows where to find it, sheesh what's the problem?

...to want keep your candles but when it's reached the point where you have to dust them then the idea of it is moot.

... to get a lump in my throat after talking to my parents. They live 2 thousand miles away and I miss them at times. 

...to ask for help, really, it is. But I don't. Past experience has shown me 90% demand a pound of flesh for it afterward. The price is too steep for me.

...to double dip when hubby's not looking. Bahahaha

...to be all 'Pollyanna'ish' but honey, tone it down somewhat k? You're trying too hard and it's hurting my teeth. 

...to have pear shaped cops, I guess. I always associate cops and firefighters with 'manly men' bodies. I know, I know.. colour me bad.

...or that's what I keep telling myself. Changes are coming and adjustments will have to be made. That's life, right?

...to not hear from your daughter much but can't she even text just to say, 'Hi, all's well. Love you. Bye'. Children, eh. Sigh. 

...to go around in circles, but Jamie, find a direction and go with it already. Shitpissfrig.

What are you Okay with?


  1. Love these posts :-)

    I'm ok with a whole heck of a lot since Monday :-)

  2. ...with letting go and looking forward to what life has instore next...

  3. Dawn,
    Who would of thunk a Mondays could be the best day of the week?
    Yeah, I get the 'being ok with a whole lot' part. Love the ripple affect it's having. :-)

    No matter what, life is full of left turns. Out of some of them come unexpected events, forced decisions and realizations. Navigating that road is some tough, my friend. I know. But don't let anyone drive you off that path. You're meant to be on it, whether or not you agree to it.

  4. Yes, it's definitely okay to get a lump in your throat when you talk to your parents! It doesn't matter how old I get, I still need my parents! I have no idea how I'm going to react when they are no longer here.

  5. Great post! I think your parents would be pleased about the lump...maybe your daughter gets one, too??!

    Double-dipping is fine as long as hubby doesn't notice....

  6. haha...I loved this and could put so many of them on a post of my own. And just what is up with the kids not even texting??!?! I mean when my son broke his leg for the SECOND time in six months and had to have surgery a SECOND time he texted his SISTER! Basically saying, can't shop today. broke leg again. having surgery, don't tell mom.
    WTH? Kids!

  7. Mary,
    The circle of life. Hard. I know. I lost a mother and a sister many years ago. We carry on,we never forget.

    I am lucky, I will see them twice this year and hopefully one of my three sisters to boot. Fingers crossed.

    Sure and I got a text message from my 'baby' in the afternoon. Asking if that post was in regards to her. lol We now have a date to hang around. :-) Yeah, I know how to reach her now apparently.


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