Jan 21, 2011

Flowers in January?

Ok maybe not but hopefully it'll help chase away the January blahs if only for a short time.
Hang in Peeps, it can't last forever, right?

Always Reds.


If only I had a green thumb

What to do with a land lubber

Eye poppin'

Orange ya glad this isn't black?

 Aesthetically pleasing

Pretty Purple


  1. Those are beautiful; thank you! We are having our second "snow event" in 4 days, so the Spring Preview is much appreciated.

  2. Wow! Lovely! Thanks for sharing! I wish we had such beauty down here Texas way.

  3. What can I say? Its summer down here and nice and warm. The flowers are out, the bees are too and I'm loving it!

  4. I am not full-on hating winter and anxiously awaiting spring. Gorgeous shots, babe. xo

  5. great looking photos. can't wait for Spring. take care rose


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