Jan 2, 2011

For Today..

For Today

Outside my window...
I can't see squat, the blinds are closed.

I am thinking...
about breakfast. Food. It's a beautiful thing. Damn. It. 

I am thankful for...
surviving December! 'Nuff said. 

From the Kitchen...
I have a better eating plan for January. ( but I have some chocolate stashed. ha ha ) 

I am wearing...
flannels. Hello? This is Northern Canada, eh. It's flippin' cold. 

I am creating...
absolutely nothing. Dangerous ground for me. I withdraw when I'm like this. Uhoh.  

I am going...
to attempt to do some laundry. Ya..I know , right? Yuck.

I am reading...
J.D. Robb. Eve's a lucky bitch.  

I am hoping... 
I can lose the weight I gained. boo. :-(

I am hearing...
hubby downstairs, pacing. He's thinking.. not always a good thing. lol  

Around the house...
everything is back to normal. Ahhhhhh

One of my favorite things...
is going away for a weekend with hubby. I love those mini vacations. 

A few plans for the week...
Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Feel me?  

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Here's what -40 looks like. (taken with cell)


  1. -40 is UGLY :-)
    Glad you had a great mini vacay. Surviving December is a massive accomplishment. I hear you on the diet / exercise. I'm pulling out all the stops this year...gotta get two-piece ready for August, ya know ;-)

  2. Oh my!
    Keep the flannels on and eat more!
    Fat will keep you warm!

  3. Dawn, August is.so.far.away. Hurry it up!

    Missy, ROFLMAO. Biatch. :-P


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