Jan 28, 2011

For Today..

For Today

Outside my window...
I see the end of the January thaw. Major pout.

I am thinking...
about my camera. How much I miss it. How little time I have to play with her anymore.

I am thankful for...
my youngest daughter getting out of a bad situation without flattening out someone who, and pardon me for this but truth is truth, deserved it in spades.

From the Kitchen...
I am planning with health and calories in mind. Play time's over, scale yelled at me. Ugh.

I am wearing...
Uber comfy pj's. Which I don't plan on getting out of till I am forced to. ( which is about 11:30 am ) 

I am creating...
a to-read list on my eReader that would make you green with envy. I get ALL my ePub books f r e e. Yes, you read it right. Amen  

I am going...
to take my youngest daughter out for supper to celebrate her restraint(and mine). 
Momma Bear's claws were sharpening by mote. 

I am reading...
J.D. Robb. (still)  But had a wonderful half hour with Jagger. Wait for her, my reader friends. She's coming to a bookstore near you in the near future and she kicks MAJOR ass.   

I am hoping... 
The sun will come out and play more often in the coming month. My face got sun kissed during the brief thaw, chasing away the whiter white and it wants way MORE. 

I am hearing...
Quiet. What's wrong with this picture? Hmmm.. oh, okay, I get it. My lil spitfire, a.k.a The Tornado's sleeping. ;-)  

Around the house...
I am managing to control the chaos that comes with my youngest and her daughter moving back in. Points to me, I have this down to a science. HA.

One of my favorite things...
or rather my NEW favorite thing; my eReader. Am I going to miss the real thing? Dunno, time will tell. But I'm lovin' it right now. 

A few plans for the week...
The most pressing is moving my daughter out of her apartment. I'm alone to do it, hubby's on the pipeline. She has more crap stuff than three people combined. How does one accumulate so much?? 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

The baby I am desperately missing. Pout. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to wearing comfy PJs! I rarely get out of my PJs on weekends until mid afternoon at least! Hope your daughter's move goes well.


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