May 14, 2010

Food, places & faces

I thought I'd share what keeps me sane, what drives me nuts, what sets my world to rights.

This is my first born. I call her Bella, aptly named as you can see. She's an old soul,like me. She might be quiet but piss her off and you'll find she's a force to be reckoned with. She's highly intelligent. I HEART her till to the end of time and beyond. :-)

 This is my second born with my beautiful grandbaby, respectively & lovingly called Boo & Lil Boo. Boo is a sensitive like me and she's triumphed over SO much. She'll find her way in this world and take it by storm when she's good and ready. You just watch her!  I HEART the both of them till eternity and back.

These are our dogs and I use the term 'our' loosely. In actuality the white one's my husband's and the black one's my youngest daughter. I had a cat that was my eldest. (R.I.P. Willow) So to be clear here I have NO animals yet I take care of the lot of them. How did I end up in this position?? UGH

My lil spitfire. My impatient bossy stubborn mischievous love of my life. The one that rules the roost when here. The one that turns her 'Papa' to mush, the one that has me wrapped around that teeny tiny pinkie.
The exact replica of my youngest daughter, whom I cursed to have THREE daughters exactly like her. And it looks like she's off to a running start muahahhah. Yes People, there IS justice after surviving raising teenage girls!
This beauty is my 3rd daughter I've always wanted and I figure I have the best of both worlds. I can do whatever I want without the constraints of motherhood. I. love. this. child.

I did say bossy, right? ;-)

My gym. My thinking time. My sanity saver. My hubby set this up for me. Hmm maybe it's his sanity saver? Ha ha .

Using my gym makes me want to eat healthy. Actually I have no choice, both in eating and exercise. I'm hypoglycemic. I have to do both. This is hubby's delicious veggie skewers for the barby. I, however, am not privvy to his special basting sauce. But I can tell you it's mouth watering.

And when I need sun and fresh air, this is part of the path I walk on to get it. It's a long beautiful walk around that lake , but I will also bike it and tackle it with inline skates this summer. I'm an ex-figure skater, can't be that much harder, ya? ha ha I'll let you know.

A cute albeit curious little friend I came across on one of my walks.

Aww a wee little gosling didn't make it. But this is nature and he was a part of nature's food chain. sigh.

Ooospy, sorry Birdie. I didn't mean to scare you..

Now why would I throw in a picture of pots and pans? Because hubby bought these for me and it inspires me to cook and create. Hmmm hubby comes out on top again doesn't he? Smart man.

Last but not least, my husband. Do you like his picture? He does not allow any picture of him on the internet. A bit old school of him but it is what it is. He does NOT want his picture up. So I walked up to him without telling him what it was for and asked him to draw a caricature of himself.
And being the competitive sort he is, he went that extra mile for me.
Note what he thinks is most important to me...
Ok so not so far off but not totally right,eh.
God love that man of mine. I HEART him.


  1. roflmao! Absolutely LOVE hubbys darwing! How true it is, eh! lol

  2. Oh J,

    I loved reading this! I can only hope for a fraction of the blessings you have in your life. Love you my friend!


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