May 4, 2010

A love affair with Montreal Style Bagels-in pictures

I'm no where near Montreal Style bagels and I crave them. So I hunted up a recipe and this is the outcome. I've made them several times and while they are not St. Viateur ( to die for bagels from back home) they can actually be in the same ball park. Hurry up tomorrow morning, I'm jonsein'.. bad!

                  The ingredients that are needed. Malt-HARD to find BUT I'm connected.  :-)

                  Bagels proofing and puffing up to their delish goodness

                  Ahhh plump, soft and ready for their bath

                  Being boiled for a very short bit in sweet water, it's what separates  Montreal style bagels by their counterparts 

                  Dipped in sesame seeds, ok ok buried in them-ha ha-ready for the oven 

                  Why hello :-)  Coffee with that?


  1. What time is breaky? Damn, those look GOOD! Come on, send me some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mary and Anon
    They were DELISH lol :-)


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