Feb 22, 2010

February's Random Thoughts #2

Apparently I have a lot of random thoughts this month.

5 hours with the world's crankiest baby = Advil, alcohol, coffee and chocolate. In that exact order.

It's official. The inside of my jeep smells like a damn farm in the midst of fertilizing. Ewww

Went swimming the other day with my lil Boo. I had her floating on her back going around in circles. It struck me how high the level of trust has to be, apparently I rate right up there. :-)
And WHO takes money in the pool?? I found a loonie in the shallow end, what were you going to do? Feed the imaginary wave meter?

Caught my eldest singing country under her breath. Shhh keep it on the down low, she'll need therapy if she finds out.

Took her in the infrared sauna, her glasses were off and a hairpin held her bangs away from her face. I turned to say something and was yanked back 20 years at super sonic speed. OMG, she looked exactly like she did at 3. Geezus what a moment...

Says I to eldest daughter ' Wine isn't considered alcohol to a frenchman you know.'
Without missing a beat she smirked, 'I know Mom,it's your plasma'
Smart ass. lol

Why is 'Mommy day', as my youngest calls it, spent running around with her and a to do list? It makes me laugh but to her it's a day spent with Mommy nevertheless. Hey, I'll take it anyway I can get it. :-)

LOVE what this teacher does. She staples Burger King applications to failed math tests. We need more like her in our education systems :-) Kudos!

Why oh Why oh Why doesn't Costco have an express lane??!?

Moving. Not for diehard Pack Rats, they can't afford the boxes.

And what's on YOUR mind lately?


  1. A teacher who staples Burger King Apps to failed tests??

    That's totally AWESOME!

  2. I know, right?! Friggen BRILLIANT :-)


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