Feb 17, 2010

Jack Frost'ed up everything

I don't know what it was about today but exercise didn't want to factor in. I wanted to go back to bed, I wanted to eat all day, I wanted to just be a great big slug. So I fought it. Damn winter. If ya can't beat it, join it. UGH

These 'icicles' look locked and loaded.

Yeah, stuck my tongue on one of these as a child. No repeats ever.

Ol Man Winter can't kill ALL the colour. Yay! 

Enough said. 

I likes curvy things.

Don't know why I took this, I just liked the composition of it.

 Oh the red strokes, tempered and strong.

 I like the way I can peer through the white and see the pines in it's whole almost.

A lone strand of spiderweb, the spider long gone.

Trying ever so desperately to hang on through the last onslaughts of winter.

                                                 ohhh the weight of it all...

I worked out, I did I did! I had an argument with myself and self gave me a kick in the butt. I left the HOT tub, complete with a good book and a whiskey & coke to sweat for 40 minutes.  Cardio and weight training with weight loss yoga.
My subconscious can now go piss off.


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