Feb 7, 2010

I believe...

...Cabin fever is running rampant. I notice it's not only me presenting symptoms. 

...Sundays are not a day of rest, the laundry sees to that.

...An old dog can learn new tricks. It just takes a bit more time. 

...My dad. 'When it rains, it pours' he's always maintained. 

...Most people are good, but a few leave you shaking your head in wonder.

...entertainment comes in many forms. You fall, I laugh, I'm entertained. 

...in the zen moment of a really good cup of coffee. 

...I will ignore the housework for just one more day. Pffftttt

...the magic of a child's belly laugh.

...organic is worth the cost. 

...I'd like to tar and feather some people. Starting with dead beat 'dads'. ( I use that term loosely) 

...I haven't seen the Northern Lights this winter. Huh.. weird.

What do you believe?


  1. Thank God, Spring is coming! Next month is March....hold on, you'll make it there!And with that comes a new house! :O)


  2. And that's when you road trip over, right?!


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