Feb 27, 2010

I believe


I Believe



...breakfast would taste better at times if someone was there to make it for me.

...in the restorative power of a good book.

...in quality not quantity, like... toilet paper 

...waking up at 4 am isn't all it's cracked up to be.

...in a good belly laugh a day. Better than an apple to chase the doc away.

...a shopping spree @ Lululemon's will go a long way to chasing the blues away. :-)

...in answering to a higher power

...I'm going to go have a massage soon.

...in cheese

...what goes around comes around

...beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, I think some of the Beholders might be visually impaired.

...in being a bitch. But learn the definition of it. There's a marked difference between bitch and nasty.

...I'm going to tan today. I'm looking like I'm at the end of a long miserable winter.

...I need a new haircut.

What do you believe?


  1. ...I beleive I love all of your believes but your forgot three....

    ....a baby has the best smell in the world!

    .....we both are very blessed girls!

    .....I have the bestest best friend in the world! <3

    Mary <3

  2. well now Magoo, time for you to start blogging... I believe :-)


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.