Feb 23, 2010

Caution: Major Idiot at large.

How do you tell Spring is on our doorstep? The birds? The strength of the sun, the date on the calendar?
Me? The drivers on the road.
This particular one today deserves to hit the ditch on some country road somewhere and stay there for a while contemplating his complete and utter stupidity. I don't wish him harm, on the contrary. Just reflection time. He fails on multiple levels in brains and human decency.

Let me point out, it's not cool to cut in front of me to the point where I have to slam my brakes on. And that smirk you gave as I passed you on the other side (you were going 10 under the posted ) didn't showcase your brilliance any.
But when you passed & pulled in FRONT of me on the OTHER side of the road thus eliminating ALL doubts..? Well now, as the song states, " I see your true colours." Ugly ugly little peon of a waste of space.
Do you feel more manly bullying drivers on the road, or women in particular? With a VAN no less! Shit it wasn't even a muscle car or hummer or anything resembling a 'cool' vehicle. Not that it gives you the right if you did, but ya know.. mistaken sense of importance and all associated with a spiffy set of wheels.
Let me guess, you hate your job, you hate where you live, your wife is undoubtedly beyond your intelligence level, ( we'll chalk it up to you druggin' and draggin' her to the alter ) and you probably have a really small waste of time penis. Condolences, asshole.
Well not really, I'm just trying to be the bigger person at the moment.

However, when I pass you on said country road and you're in the ditch contemplating why the universe has it in for you, I'll stop and spell it out for you. Then I'll flash you a Colgate bright smile and be on my way.
Yeah, I'll fail at being the bigger person in that instance but I'm human enough to take pleasure in karma balancing the scales. And I'll atone for it at some point during the day. ( sigh, can ya guess I'm a good Catholic girl?! )

And how am I supposed to not worry for my daughters driving on the roads with idiots like him behind the wheel?

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